Proposal to change the organisational structure of South London Theatre sent to the membership in February 2024.

Who are we?
  • Simon Gleisner, SLT Chair
  • Chris Stooke, BPT Chair and SLT Director & Trustee
  • Gareth Milton, SLT Director & Trustee
  • Charlotte Benstead BPT Director & Trustee
  • Gerri McAndrew BPT Director & Trustee
  • Lisa Thomas BPT Director & Trustee
  • Adam Crook, SLT Members Club Chair
What do we want to do?

We are planning to propose changes to the way South London Theatre is structured and run. We would like to put these changes to a vote at a General Meeting of the SLT membership in May this year, with the intention of having these changes in place by the start of our new financial year in January 2025. This proposal has been developed over the last six months by a group of current members who sit on the various organising committees; we all believe this is absolutely the right thing for SLT to do now, to make us fit for the future. And it is very important that all members have a chance to review and understand what we are proposing, and have the opportunity to give us feedback and thoughts before we put our proposal to a vote. We are confident that the broad proposals are right for SLT, but completely understand that people will want to feel the same way. We are also open to ideas that can improve the proposal. Please take some time to review and consider, and join us if you can on Zoom on Monday 4th March or in person at the bar in The SLT Fire Station any time between 3 and 6pm on Sunday 24th March.

Why do we want to make these changes?

Firstly, it is quite complicated. The two committees have overlapping responsibilities, particularly around use of the building. Two different sets of decision makers, meeting at different times with different people and different priorities, makes communication difficult and can lead to problems. Things get missed, people assume other people are dealing with things, different directions are taken, work gets duplicated. By making things simpler, it will make life easier and less stressful for our volunteers, we will avoid duplication of effort and things falling between the gaps. And at a basic level, it will be easier to explain who we are.
Finding people who want to take on both a Trustee role, and the responsibilities that come with that, as well as giving up their time in a practical volunteering role is proving harder and harder. We haven’t had a full General Council since before the pandemic. The Building Preservation Trust has also struggled to find people who will take on those kind of dual roles.

Freeing up day-to-day management from the Trustee roles means we can move away from the current fixed roles on General Council (currently we need an AGM to make changes to the structure) and the need to elect members to do those day-to-day roles. That means we can be much more flexible and adapt to changing needs. At the same time it should make it much easier for people to get involved.

Finally, proper separation between Trustee responsibilities and day-to-day management will also help create a stronger organisation. The responsibilities of Trustees are very important and they should really be their focus. Daily tasks shouldn’t distract from our obligations as a charity and making sure that we operate within all relevant regulations - and fulfill our purpose of being a fantastic community theatre in West Norwood.

What will the new SLT organisation look like?

We will create a new Board who will be Trustees and Directors of South London Theatre. As is true for all trustees, the board will have overall responsibility for SLT operating as a charity to meet financial and other regulations. They will also have responsibility for long-term planning, strategic fundraising, safeguarding and complaints. They are responsible for monitoring and evaluating the work of the theatre in line with the strategic direction set in consultation with the Executive team.

The Executive Director will sit on the Board of Trustees, but also lead an Executive team responsible for the day-to-day management of the theatre and the SLT Fire Station. They will be responsible for membership, artistic programming, backstage and technical support, all aspects of front of house, publicity, building maintenance and hire, and the Youth Theatre. The Executive team will agree a yearly plan with the Board of Trustees that they will work to.

Both groups will work closely together, with the Executive Director reporting back to the Board of Trustees, and the Board of Trustees reporting back to the membership through the Annual General Meeting. (See p7 for the proposed structure.)

What are the main changes?
  • The BPT will continue to exist as a company and a charity and will remain a subsidiary of SLT. However it will have a board which is the same as the board of trustees of SLT, and management of its operations will be integrated with the management of SLT.
  • SLT General Council will be replaced by a Board of Trustees and an Executive team.
  • Roles and responsibilities will be clearly split between the Trustees and the Executive - in principle, the Trustees will be responsible for the broader responsibilities of SLT as a charity and its long-term future, with the Executive responsible for our creative output and day-to-day management of the theatre and The SLT Fire Station..
  • The Board of Trustees will still be elected by, and responsible to, the membership (excluding two co-opted positions), and will serve for a three-year period.
  • The Board of Trustees includes an Executive Director whose primary responsibility is to lead the Executive team, and is the key link between the two groups.
  • The Executive team is entirely flexible and will be appointed by the Executive Director and Trustees, with no time limits on the periods people can serve.
  • The Executive team will agree a one-year plan with the Board of Trustees, including budgets and expected income, along with any major developments or initiative, and then will deliver and report against that plan. All creative and artistic decision-making will sit with the Executive team.
  • The Board of Trustees will develop a five-year plan and work with the Executive to deliver and report against that plan.

How will it work in practice?

1 - Initial transition

Over the summer we’ll ask for nominations for the Board of Trustees. The nominees will all need to be members of SLT. These will be for the positions of The Executive Director (who runs the Executive Team), plus four additional Directors. These will all become Directors and Trustees of SLT.

The five Member Directors will elect a Chair from amongst them (this is the usual process in charities, rather than the membership electing a specific Chair as happens at SLT now). At the same time, the Board will assess the skill set of the elected Board against the needs of the organisation. They will then be able to co-opt two additional Trustees/Directors to fill any gaps. These can be SLT members, but don’t have to be. This means we can make sure we have a strong board of Trustees with all the skills needed to effectively carry out their role and responsibilities.

The elections for the Trustees will happen at the SLT AGM in September, and the term will be three years for all except the Executive Director. As the Executive Director plays such an important role in the day-to-day running of the theatre, the term will be for one-year, with a vote at the AGM to confirm their position and giving the opportunity to replace them.

Beyond the Executive Director, at least one Director will retire each year (typically the longest serving Director), triggering a vote for a new director. As we are proposing increasing the term of the majority of Trustees, it’s worth noting that formal processes do exist within Charity Commission rules to remove Trustees who do not meet their obligations.

The Executive Director will then build the Executive team. Executive team members won’t be elected and can put themselves forward at any time. All members of the team will need to be SLT members, and need to be approved by an Appointments Committee (made up of the Executive Director and two other Trustees). There will be an initial structure for the team, but it is entirely flexible, and can accommodate more or fewer people as needed. Each member will be expected to lead a team or committee to deliver what is needed for their area.

All our other activities - our season of shows, any hires, the Youth theatre etc - will continue unaffected by these changes.

2 - Ongoing

Trustee vacancies will be advertised to all members, and members fulfilling the eligibility criteria will be able to stand for these positions as they are now, and they will be elected by the membership. As outlined above, this would happen at least once a year, and potentially more often. The job descriptions and skills needed will be outlined in a role and responsibilities specification.

Who will employees report to?
  • Employees will report to the relevant function in the Executive team
  • Those employed on a zero hours contract basis will continue to report to their line manager as now.
  • Employees may have reporting responsibilities through to the trustees, and may be asked to attend trustee meetings as appropriate.
  • Some of the decisions around employees, such as those affecting budgets, will need to be presented by the relevant member of the Executive Team to the trustees for approval (this is the same as now, but the trustees will be a separate body from the executive).
What happens next?

We will present our ideas to the membership and take feedback. We are hosting a Zoom call at 8pm on Monday 4th March and an in-person, drop-in session at the SLT Fire Station bar between 3pm and 6pm on Sunday 24th March. We will then prepare a final resolution to put to a General Meeting in May. We will circulate the final resolution in advance of the meeting, to make sure everyone can make an informed decision.

If you have any questions or thoughts, please either join one of our events or drop an email to and we’ll get back to you.



General Council Structure Chart
BPT Structure Chart
Proposed new board structure chart
Proposed Executive management team structure chart

Proposed new structure - Executive team - note that this is not yet fixed, and indeed will always be flexible

The following is a breakdown of the roles that could sit on the Executive committee and the areas they would take responsibility for. This is a work in progress and will develop and change as the team is built and we find the best ways of working.

Executive Director

Making sure the Executive Committee has the people it needs to run. Oversees delivery of the annual plan. Reports back to the Board.
Sits on both committees and is a trustee and director.

Finance & Admin

Organising meetings, keeping minutes and managing input to the annual plan and other logs. Approving payments, expenses, invoices; ensuring cashflow is within expectations.


Manages the membership database, runs membership drives, new member communications and open evenings.
Much the same as the existing Membership director

Theatre committee

Selecting the season of productions, managing relationships with the directors, programming rehearsals/performances and overall responsibility for the theatre space including tech.
GTM should be part of theatre committee. Reporting through the TC lead.

House manager

Overseeing volunteers for Front of House and Box Office; ticketing
Much the same as the current GC role.

Marketing & publicity

Managing the website and social media; printing of posters, leaflets and programmes; promoting the shows; events.

Commercial & Facilities

Room hire; wardrobe and props; programme sales, ice creams, merchandise etc. Plus operational reporting line for the employed building manager; short-term and long-term capital works plans; H&S compliance.
The idea is to bring all non-ticket/Youth income streams together, but also one person with oversight of the building. Fundraising - in the sense of raffle and other tactical fundraising would sit well here - not strategic fundraising, which would sit at Trustee level.

Youth, training and HR

Day-to-day management of the Youth Theatre manager. Ensuring profitability of the Youth theatre. Organising any training for the membership.