SLT Show

Home, I’m Darling

By Laura Wade

Date: 5 - 9 Sep 2023

Time: 20:00 - 22:15

Location: SLT Old Fire Station

Judy and Johnny live the 1950s dream - when he comes home from work his domestic goddess of a wife is ready with his slippers and a drink. But what happens when they need to wake up?

Recommended 14+, adult themes, swearing

Trigger Warnings:
Some references to sexual harassment

Director: Kornelia Adelajda


Judy - Elly Meacham

Johnny - James Mercer

Fran - Jenny Coate

Marcus - Eduardo Gispert

Sylvia - Cal Beckett

Alex - Sapphire Shoferpoor

The torso of a woman in a green dress holding an upside down bucket as if it were a tray