SLT Show

The History Boys

By Alan Bennett

Date: 19 - 23 Sep 2023

Time: 20:00 - 22:00

Location: SLT Old Fire Station

An unruly bunch of bright, funny sixth-form boys in pursuit of sex, sport, and a place at university. A maverick English teacher at odds with the young and shrewd supply teacher. A headmaster obsessed with results; a history teacher who thinks he's a fool.

In Alan Bennett's classic play, staff room rivalry and the anarchy of adolescence provoke insistent questions about history and how you teach it; about education and its purpose.

Director: Siobhán Campbell


Headmaster - Mitch Labiak

Hector - Chris Vian Smith

Mrs Lintott - Helen Chadney

Irwin - Alexander Hackett

Dakin - Jamie Bowman

Posner - James Melville

Crowther - Lewi Chapman

Lockwood - David Whelan

Scripps - Alec O'Sullivan

Timms - Enzo Theroux

Rudge - Barley Page

Akthar - Sufyan Samar

Photos of cast members presented in sepia graphic