News Article

Your SLT Library needs you!

27 Jan 25

You may (or may not!) be aware that SLT has a large library of scripts and theatrical texts up on the third floor. It’s a valuable resource, especially if you’re looking for a play to submit (would-be directors please note), and member Hayley Thomas looks after it.


We’ve just acquired a very large donation of books and periodicals, but we can’t fit them into the current space without a clear-out and some re-organisation. Hayley can’t do this alone, so we’re seeking to recruit a team of helpers on the weekend of 22/23 February, from 10am to 5pm each day. Hayley will organise a rota and supervise, so that even if you can only offer an hour or two, we can get the job done if enough people volunteer to help.


We’ll need:

  • Lifters and shifters
  • Sorters and orderers
  • Shelvers and cataloguers

If you can spare some time, please email Hayley to let her know your availability with the word Library in the subject line. and who knows, you might find that hidden gem of a play you’ve been looking for….thank you!